Albești 4 Muslim Cemetery


Ottoman name of village:



  20th century

  It is located south of the village, on a hill, near the cemetery 3. The cemetery stretches in a south-north direction, to the east it is delimited by a bend while to the west by a rural road. At the southern edge of the cemetery are graves marked with large tombstones, some upright, others lying. The graves are not arranged in rows. A possible family lot is in this area, with two tombs bordered by stones. From the south to the north, the tombs seem to have gathered in clusters, with empty spaces between them, while towards the northern limit the tombs are much more concentrated. In the central area there is a cluster of tombs with recently inscribed tombstones, with the years of death in the 1970s placed next to unmarked stones and covered with small stones. Nearby, to the east, are tombs with unmarked tombstones but arranged in rows and covered with small stones. Towards the northern boundary of the cemetery, the graves are marked with modern funerary monuments and are surrounded by a metal fence, the years of death being from the 1970s to 2020. It is possible that the cemetery has an evolution in time from south to north


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